Google weighs in on account hijacking

According to experts, passwords shouldn’t be the only way you defend your accounts. After all, hackers have plenty of tricks and tools to steal them. So to help businesses fully understand the risks involved, Google conducted a study on the causes of account hijacking.

Top tips for optimizing your Google reviews

Google has made reviews more visible within its search results, which means that online reviews will have a massive impact on customer behavior and your company’s search performance. If you’re not taking the time to generate good reviews from prominent sites, your business may not get enough customer attention to stay afloat.

Which social media platforms suit your SMB?

The first thing that comes to mind when you think of social media is Facebook and for good reason. Not only does it boast the most users, but it also has the biggest reach and cultural impact. Since there is no one-size-fits-all social media platform, it’s imperative for small- and medium-sized businesses to examine their options before making an investment.