Evaluating the total cost of VoIP systems

When investing in new technology, cost is always a deciding factor, especially for VoIP phone systems. No matter what features or services it’s bundled with, there’s no point in investing in a phone system that easily puts you over budget. That’s why it’s important to evaluate the total cost of ownership (TCO) of VoIP systems.

Why businesses should record their calls

VoIP has allowed businesses like yours to make and receive calls from anywhere, at any time. This enables employees to meet client demands promptly and improve customer satisfaction. One VoIP feature that can further elevate your customer service is call recording.

Group voice call now possible on Facebook

With communication apps such as Skype, WhatsApp, and Slack aiming to conquer audio and video calling, what is a social networking giant like Facebook to do? In a move to enhance its already ubiquitous Messaging app, Facebook is all set to follow suite and occupy a space alongside some of the most dominant VoIP apps in the market, particularly in desktop group video calling.